Friday, 15 July 2016


DATE: 16 JULY 2016
TIME: 8.00 AM – 2.00 PM

8.00 – 8.30 am
Ice breaking
Divided into groups
Choosing Facilitators – Teachers

-       SVG
-       Miss Hanie
8.30 – 9.15 am
- Introduction to school policies
         -  Academic Policy
         - Assessment Policy
         - Language Policy
         - Special Education Needs and Inclusion    

-       IB MYP Coordinator (1)
-       IB MYP Assistant Coordinator (1)
-       English Panel (3)
9.20 – 10.15 am
 - Introduction to IB Learner Profile
-       The activity consist on how to implement IB Learner Profile in daily lesson and life.
-       Suggestion: give one group one lesson  and student choose IBLP that suitable
-       Choose group to present.
-       Other group that don’t present, discuss the activity with facilitators.

-       Malay Language Panel (3)
-       Visual Art Panel (1)
-       Music Art Panel (1)
10.15 – 10.35 am
Tea Break

10.35 – 11.15 am
- Introduction to Global Context
-       The activity consist on the understanding of IB Global Context.
-       Student should be able to understand 6 Global Context and know the content of the Global Context.
-       Suggestion: give one group one situation/topic/scenario and student connect it to any suitable Global Context   
-       Choose group to present (not yet present before)
Other group that don’t present, discuss the activity with facilitators.

-       History Panel (2)
-       Design Panel (3)
-       Physical Education Panel (1)
11.20 – 12.15 pm
Introduction to Assessment
-       The activity consist on the understanding of IB Assessment.
-       Student should be able to understand Assessment and the rubric.
-       Student should be show few example of rubric and assessment from different subject.
-       Suggestion: example of assessment and teacher show how it be assess. Can use any unit plan as references.
-       Choose group to present (not yet present before)
Other group that don’t present, discuss the activity with facilitators

-       Math Panel (3)
-       Science Panel (3)

12.20 – 1.15 pm
Introduction to ATL
-       The activity consist on the understanding of IB ATL.
-       Student should be able to understand ATL and its component.
-       Suggestion: give one group one situation/topic/scenario and student connect it to any suitable ATL
-       Student can present their group work using role play.
-       Choose group to present (not yet present before)
Other group that don’t present, discuss the activity with facilitators

-       Third Lang Panel (4)
-       Islamic Studies Panel (3)
1.20 – 2.50 pm
Introduction to Interdisplinary
-        The activity consist on the understanding of interdisplinary
-        Suggestion: example of interdiplinary

-        HOD (4)
-       Admin

-       Total Student involve are :

§  Form 1: 136
§  Form 2: 140

26 Group – 10 / 11 student per group

Every HOP must have at least 3 teacher except certain panel like PE, Geography, Art, and Music
Every teacher have to choose one group to be the facilitator.

The content of the topic, teachers can Google, use OCC, use Principle into Practise and Subject Guide.
For the introduction of the topic, teacher are encourage to use presentation.
Please be ready will all the material, example and any other material that useful for the students.

LCD and Lap Top will be provided.

Food for Break and Lunch will be provided for students and teachers.

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